A PEFC and FSC certified commitment for your packaging

Greener Packaging with PEFC and FSC Certifications

Semoulin Packaging: a committed partner for sustainable packaging solutions

Are you giving enough thought to the impact of your packaging on the environment? At Semoulin Packaging, we firmly believe that the future of our ecosystem is built every day, especially by certifying our packaging to PEFC™ and FSC® standards.

In this article on certifications, you will find:

  1. Respect for PEFC™ and FSC® standards: a guarantee of environmental preservation
  2. What do PEFC™ and FSC® certifications ensure?
  3. The benefits of these guarantees for businesses
  4. Curious to learn more?

As specialists in paper packaging for professionals, we face daily challenges to make our products increasingly sustainable.

When you choose paper over plastic for your packaging process, it’s already an excellent step towards reducing your environmental impact… But how can you ensure that the paper used for your packaging comes from sustainable management?

1. Respect for PEFC™and FSC® standards: a guarantee of environmental preservation

“They provide the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide shelter for plants and animals. Life as we know it depends on forests1 » these words from the official website of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) summarize the importance of sustainable forest management. Because without them, like without our oceans, human life as we know it will be doomed to disappear.

That’s why collaborating with environmentally committed companies is crucial!

With Semoulin Packaging, you are certain to use raw materials extracted with sustainability in mind to manufacture all your packaging.

Thanks to obtaining PEFC™ (PEFC/07-31-322) and FSC® (FSC-C138900) certifications, Semoulin Packaging contributes on its scale to the preservation of natural resources as well as the promotion of responsible forest management.

2. What do PEFC™ and FSC® certifications ensure?

While these two organizations pursue the same goal, two notable differences exist between them.

The former primarily focuses on European-origin timber and forests, while the latter ensures good management of tropical forests. Needless to say, both are of paramount importance.

The PEFC™ certification, present in no fewer than 55 countries, guarantees that the timber used in the packaging produced by Semoulin Packaging comes from sustainably managed forests. It also ensures compliance with numerous environmental criteria (such as protecting European forest areas or guaranteeing wood renewal after exploitation), social criteria (by promoting safe and sustainable working conditions and involving local communities), and finally economic criteria (by promoting local jobs for the management of these areas).

On the other hand, FSC® certification demonstrates a commitment to promoting forest conservation and preserving natural habitats for numerous animal species.

But that’s not all. Thanks to such labels, you also ensure product traceability step by step.

3. The benefits of FSC and PEFC guarantees for businesses

Aurélie, a sales representative at Semoulin, responds, “Assurance is knowing that at every stage of harvesting, transportation, and transformation, you can know the origin of the paper you have decided to work with.”

And this is not a detail at a time when consumers are increasingly demanding and attentive to the origin and impact of their purchases. It is essential for professionals to be able to reassure them about all aspects of a product.

Today, offering excellent fair-trade coffee or top-quality local wheat is no longer enough: you also have to think about the quality of their container.

Working with a clear label known to consumers allows you to clearly display your company’s commitment to better management of common resources.

In summary? An excellent decision for the future of our planet but also to strengthen the trust capital of your already convinced customers… and those to come!

4. Curious to learn more about responsible packaging?

Choosing a partner like Semoulin Packaging for your paper packaging needs is much more than a commercial decision. It’s a choice that shows your commitment to a greener future and speaks volumes about your company’s values.

Would you like to know more about our certifications or our offers for more ecological packaging?

Contact us now.

  1. Source : https://fsc.org/en/about-us (website consulted online in March 2024) ↩︎